Saturday, November 04, 2006

Take a Stand for Liberty and Justice

As a heterosexual, happily married woman, I'm voting a strong NO on the so-called "Gay Marriage Amendment" that will be on Tuesday's ballot--and I hope you will, too.

Here is the text of the Amendment on record with the SC State House.

My reasons:

1) The Church--anyone's church--has no business inserting itself into the bedrooms of consenting adults. If you don't like homosexual sex, don't have homosexual sex yourself--but don't tell other adults they can't have it, either. It's not your business, it's not your right, it's not your responsibility to do that. Deal with it.

2) The amendment affects the rights of adult *heterosexuals* to enter into the domestic partnerships of their choice. The most onerous result of this is that children born of non-religiously approved unions may be denied insurance benefits as a result. The state should not be backdoor-forcing the parents of children in this state to get married just so the Christians in this state can feel religiously vindicated.

3) The Amendment affects private business owners' right to offer whatever benefits they choose to their employees.

4) The Christian Church should not become the de facto governing body which regulates marriage in our state. In case you haven't noticed lately, there are quite a few post-Christians and non-Christians living in this state.

5) The Amendment is a blatant example of how the Christian Right engages in "judicial activism"--at the same time they are screaming about liberals doing the same thing. THE HYPOCRISY NEEDS TO STOP.

6) And the most important reason to vote NO: I really, really want to write a blog post on Wednesday 11/8 entitled Christian Right F***s Itself In the Ass on Gay Marriage Bill.

Please take a stand on Tuesday for liberty and justice--vote NO on Amendment 1.


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Danny Schade said...

nice blog, you made good points.


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