Wednesday, November 08, 2006

SC Elections Went About as Expected

I had hoped for ;->, but not expected, a Democratic revolution in SC. Oh, well. View the Greenville county election results here.

By my estimation, a percentage of people in this state are stupid as s**t. I'm talking about stupid people who move and don't change their addresses at the voter registration office or on their drivers licenses; people who pitch a fit at the poll for a problem that is their own fault; people who show up to vote even though they have no clue what's going on; people under 50 years of age who just can't seem to figure out how to vote on a touch screen.

In Arizona, however! Christian Right F***s Itself in the Ass on Gay Marriage Ban! This issue was listed as Proposition 107 on the Arizona ballot; is reporting that the ban failed, with 51.4% of voters against the ban vs. 48.6% of voters in favor of the ban.

And speaking of people f***ing themselves in the ass in Arizona... [toothy grin] some of y'all who've lived in Greenville a long time may remember J.D. Hayworth, who whas a fat, bloviating blowhard of a sportscaster here in Greenville on WYFF for a time during the 1980's. [grin] Hayworth later moved to Arizona, lost weight, got married/had kids, and went into politics, serving Arizona's District 5 in the U.S. House of Representatives. AZCentral reports that Hayworth lost his Congressional seat to Democratic challenger Harry Mitchell.

The City of Greenville's smoking ban has been a hot topic for a few weeks now. Arizona voted on a statewide smoking ban for restaurants and bars (Proposition 201); Arizona voters passed the ban, 54.2% voting for it, 45.8% voting against it.

Sean Hannity is trying to decide whether he wants to eat the foot that's sticking out of his mouth today, or remove it and help himself to some humble pie instead.

Speaker of the House Ms. Nancy Pelosi :-) (or, 3rd-in-line-for-the-Presidency Ms. Nancy Pelosi, if you prefer) is wasting no time applying herself to conducting the peoples' business. Way to go. :-)))


At 3:54 PM, Blogger ____________ said...

It really almost made me sick the past few weeks/months, how the republicans were trying to make it look so "bad" if nancy pelosi were to be the next speaker.

Yea, they're trying to make it look like the end of the world if she's speaker but yet, they're curretn speaker Hastert, he's a saint right?

Good blog


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