RightMarch.com Pushes for Vote Verification
Hey, wait a minute! I thought that was one of "our" issues! Count every vote!! A position now being encouraged by Christian Rightists:
(Item received today from Christian Response [CR]):
This "Christian Response" e-Alert is a special message from RightMarch.com:
ALERT: You know how you hate it when liberals claim the election was stolen? The fact is, if we had paper trails, we wouldn't have to deal with that incessant whining any more.
Hah. If we had paper trails, John Kerry might be president today... and it would be conservatives doing the "incessant whining." And I wouldn't feel a whit sorry for them, either.
Isn't the integrity of the vote one of the foundations of democracy? I can only gather that some on the Rabid Right have seen something within their ranks that has deeply troubled them, and only NOW do they jump on the bandwagon for clean elections. Well. Better late than never.
But I can't help but be suspicious. They go on to say that Bob Barr is involved in the effort... though Big Bob and I are miles apart on some of our ideas, I appreciate that he seems to value democracy above theocracy. So kudos, Bob.
Other snippets from the email...
Unfortunately, this [America's] well-funded fascination with electronic voting machines has proceeded with virtually NO comprehensive study or development of national standards to ensure the integrity of the machines and how they're utilized. Each state sets its own standards -- or doesn't -- and follows its own rules in letting contracts for the machines.
Wow, they must really mean it... they even "talk dirty" to business conservatives in an attempt to get them on board!
As anyone in the business world knows, anything of value should be auditable. Votes are valuable, and each voter should have the knowledge -- and the confidence -- that his or her vote was recorded and counted as intended. Now we can work to make that happen.
The two bills referenced in the email are the previous incarnation (H.R. 2229) and H.R. 550 (the current favored version). CR notes that there is solid bipartisan response for the bill.
Wow. Now, where is the pill in all this jam?
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